Local Siam Travel offers 3 payment methods. 1. FACEBOOK PAY (META PAY) Click >> ***recommended minimal trasaction fee*** FACEBOOK PAYMENT PROCESS 1. Click the icon "BOOK" go to Local Siam Travel Facebook page select "MESSENGERS" contact staff. 2. Tour details & Payment summary to be sent to review for correction. (Facebook fee will be inclueded ) 3. Click "PAY to complete the transaction and send proof of payment to our staff.
HOW TO PAY VIA PAYPAL ME (The payment process may display differently depending on your computer or mibile devices.) 1. Click on the link icon choose Send 2. Login to PayPal 3. Choose a payment type "for goods and services" -How do you want to pay ? select between "Paypal Balance" or "Visa" - 4. Type the amount you want to pay in Thai Baht including papal fee. After that select "Continue". 4. Payment summary details will appear. Review for correction and complete the transcation after that send proof of payment to our staff and wait for confirmation letter.
3. BANK TRANSFER Contact staff click >> Pay for the service by International bank transfer to the account listed below.
NOTE All the tracsaction fee will be responsible by customer. If you have any questions, please contact
We at Local Siam Travel genuinely appreciate your business, we’re grateful for the trust you’ve placed in us. We hope you are satisfied with your purchase.
Please reconfirm payment amount before complete the transaction.
Please carefully check the account number before transferring.
: (+66)994619965
: @localsiamtravel
13 December 2022
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